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Todo lo que necesite en soluciones legales lo encontrará en Màrius Roch Advocat.
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“I was definitely nervous when I first called them, but more than anything they were just really friendly.”
“It has been an amazing experience with your law firm. I will be happy to refer any of my family and friends to your law firm.”
Verdicts & Settlements
Car Accidents Verdict
Bus Accident Verdict
Slip and Fall Injury Verdict
Birth Injury Award
Workplace Injury Settlement
Negligent Security Verdict
Dónde puede encontrarnos
Màrius Roch Advocats
C/ Muntaner, 161-165 2n 4t
08036 Barcelona
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For media and marketing inquiries
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Dades de Contacte
New york
One State Street Plaza, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10008
United States